About Vlad Svetoch’s Method
The method of systemic psychogenetic correction today is an innovation (know-how) in the field of oncopsychology and oncopsychotherapy. This method allows you to quickly change the habits, beliefs, values, and lifestyle in general in a short time. In turn, due to a significant change in the person’s life program, such changes create a real opportunity to get rid of the disease completely and irrevocably. A system of special psychocorrectional techniques and exercises is used here as an oncopsychotherapy tool. All this in combination directly affects the roots of the disease and subsequently eliminates them once and for all.
About Vlad Svetoch's method
It is widely known that cancer is an immunodeficiency disease. However, this is a psychosomatic disorder of a psychogenic nature. Hence the conclusion — the root causes of the disease are in the human psyche. The hotbed of the disease, wherever …
What is oncopsychotherapy?
One of the most popular areas of application of Vlad Svetoch’s method is oncopsychotherapy. Despite that the treatment of cancer requires considerable effort on the patient’s part, this disease can still be defeated. The secrets of recovering …
Oncopsychology: A Systemic Approach of Vlad Svetoch
In modern society, there is a stereotype of cancer being a deadly disease. That is why for most people, the news of the diagnosis is not just a surprise, but a real shock. The cancer patient has a whole range of negative experiences associated …
Hello everyone! My name is Elena. I’m 22. I am not personally acquainted with Vlad Svetoch; my mother is undergoing a course of psychotherapy methodologies.
I express my deep gratitude to Vlad Evgenievich and Ekaterina Svetoch for helping me. I turned to Vlad Evgenievich for the first time four years ago, but then I couldn’t find the strength to complete the course to the end.
My name is Irina. I am 58. I found Vlad Svetoch’s center via the Internet. I immediately realized that this was the man who could help me, because I no longer counted on my strengths
Thank you very much, Vlad Evgenievich!
I’m grateful to Vlad and Ekaterina.
I got sick in 2017 – it was pancreatic cancer. I thought that everything was fine, but after 9 months there was a relapse. Doctors gave up on me.
Hello! Over six months of training, I learned what I had not paid attention to before
I express my gratitude to Vlad Evgenievich for the training! Perhaps the most important thing that I learned as a result of mastering the techniques developed by Vlad Evgenievich was to freely manage my own state (both emotional and physical).
I’m 62. I live in the Moscow region. I was quite content with my life until I decided to do a gastroscopy after a slight repetitive discomfort in the stomach, which I generally did not pay any attention. During the procedure, they told me to take histology. And the conclusion was stomach cancer.
Sorry in advance for my, perhaps, somewhat confused expression of thoughts, but I am very worried. I am writing this letter as soon as I’ve found out that I have the opportunity to reach a large audience via the Internet.
Thank you very much Vlad Evgenievich. Previously, I could not even think that there were methods of healing cancer.
We are often unhappy with our life: with government, salary, weather, or appearance. And we think that if something improves, we will be happy. But everything in your life can change in an instant.
I am sincerely sorry for those who came to terms with this deadly diagnosis and do not want to live on. As long as I remember, especially after I turned 30, I was afraid of getting cancer. Of course, I rejected these thoughts, because they did not give me rest.
I turned to the Center of Psychology in December 2014 in connection with a relapse of a cancer that was identified after a follow-up examination.
I turned to the center for health reasons. I could not control my emotions and constantly cried in connection with my diagnosis.
I turned to the center of Vlad Evgenievich Svetoch in a state of complete despair, when it seemed to me that I had no choice. In 2013, an examination revealed oncology.
I turned to the center with a very serious diagnosis; my life came to a standstill. For many years, I studied various methods and techniques of diagnosis and treatment.
Due to cancer diagnosis, I began to train according to the methodology of Vlad Evgenievich Svetoch for 6 months.
I express my deep gratitude to Vlad Evgenievich and Ekaterina.
I’m 64. I live in Moscow. In November 2018, I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer with lung metastases...
I take this opportunity to thank Vlad Evgenievich Svetoch in writing for his work with me.
I would never imagine that I would have cancer, since for more than 10 years I had led a completely healthy lifestyle and had not taken any alcohol, I had normal weight and good physical shape.
I turned to Vlad Evgenievich for help at the end of July 2016 regarding the diagnosis, which was like a bolt from the blue for me; it was oncology.
I reached a fateful milestone in my life – 50 years – and was diagnosed with stage four cancer (melanoma) by doctors.
I want to express my gratitude to Vlad Svetoch! Meeting with this person and mastering his method of Systemic Psychological Correction radically changed my life and restored my health.
I got the diagnosis in another country and another language. It did not make it less terrible. Shock, stress, inability to think...
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Our Services
Online Oncopsychotherapy — a Method of Complete Recovery from the Disease
Vlad Svetoch’s method is a unique system of recovery from the disease. It has been established that cancer is a psychosomatic disorder of a psychogenic nature. This means that the main cause of the disease is an unhealthy psyche. It is urgently …
Consultation with a Systemic Oncopsychologist
In the Russian society, visiting any psychologist is not in the framework of habitual behavior. Rather, it can be called an unusual phenomenon, and therefore, most often people feel constrained and stressed when there is a need to consult a …
Initial Appointment. What Is It for?
Some of those who contact our center ask the question: “Why do we need an initial appointment, is it really impossible to start work right away, without it?” The initial reception is a necessary condition for interaction with a specialist …
Client Reviews
Thank you very much Vlad Evgenievich. Previously, I could not even think that there were methods of healing cancer.
We are often unhappy with our life: with government, salary, weather, or appearance. And we think that if something improves, we will be happy. But everything in your life can change in an instant.
Sorry in advance for my, perhaps, somewhat confused expression of thoughts, but I am very worried. I am writing this letter as soon as I’ve found out that I have the opportunity to reach a large audience via the Internet.