What leads to cancer and what are its root causes?

Как появляется рак и откуда исходят его корни?

In the world of today, we know of many cancer types, which are differentiated according to the part of the body where the disease is localized. According to medical professionals, the development of cancer is mainly determined by the lifestyle of the patient. This is why the main prerequisite for cancer prevention is, first and foremost, a healthy lifestyle. This alone already means that any kind of cancer is just a consequence of a certain lifestyle.

One must not equate healthy living with solely the quality of the food, fitness, and grooming. They are all parts of it, of course, but insignificant ones. Interestingly, some of the people who came to me for help said they adhered to the principles of healthy living and yet they wondered why they got cancer. It means but one thing: the real causes of cancer lie not in external conditions, but in one’s inner world.

Thus it becomes obvious that the state of the psyche and one’s mindset are the basis for the development of any psychosomatic diseases, including cancer. The roots of cancer originate in an unhealthy perception of oneself and the surrounding world. This triggers an unhealthy reaction to anything undesirable. Such morbid reactions give rise to a persistent psycho-physiological state of discomfort. In turn, the brain starts forming corresponding neural connections that control the body in a way that leads to cancer.

Cancer is known to be a psychosomatic disorder caused by exposure to psychogenic factors. Being a disorder, it disrupts the entire immune system and, as a consequence, causes spontaneous reproduction of mutant cells (cancer cells). In contrast, a healthy immune system has genetic programming for self-destruction and subsequent removal of atypical and cancerous cells from the body. It does not allow genetically-defective cells to accumulate and thus protects one from cancer.

Everything we’ve talked about sounds like a fairytale about Koschei the Deathless: his death is hidden on the tip of a needle, which is hidden in an egg, while the egg is in a duck, the duck is in a chest, and a chest is in a tree.

Cancer is hidden in a similar way: its roots stem from one’s mindset, which, in turn, shapes one’s values, beliefs, and habits. All of it then affects the psyche, acting as an operating system of sorts for the brain. Down the chain, the brain controls the body through persistent neural connections in such a way that compromises the immune system, which breaks down, giving rise to the disease.

“Look at the root of the matter,” as Kozma Prutkov once said. You, of course, are free to draw your own conclusions. I simply tried to clearly and concisely describe what leads to cancer.

Stay healthy! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

What leads to cancer and what are its root causes?

Vlad Svetoch

Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D), Practicing psychologist, systemic oncopsychologist. READ MORE

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