Category: <span>Blog</span>

Рак – это программа, которую можно устранить

Cancer is a program that can be undone

In order to understand human capacity to defeat this disease, let’s start from the end, that is, from the consequence. Today cancer is still believed to occur as a consequence of physical, chemical, and biological factors.

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Как появляется рак и откуда исходят его корни?

What leads to cancer and what are its root causes?

In the world of today, we know of many cancer types, which are differentiated according to the part of the body where the disease is localized. According to medical professionals, the development of cancer is mainly determined by the lifestyle of the patient. This is why the main prerequisite for cancer prevention is, first and foremost, a healthy lifestyle. This alone already means that any kind of cancer is just a consequence of a certain lifestyle.

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Что может быть страшнее рака?

What’s scarier than cancer?

To begin with, for each of us our own problems seem like the biggest ones, no matter what. People often say, “I wish I had your problems,” thus emphasizing that their struggles are harder to deal with. Interestingly, there is nothing untrue in that statement. The human psyche is so designed that it always ranks its own experiences as the strongest, no matter the circumstances.

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Рак у ребенка. Что делать, если в выздоровление не верят даже врачи?

Child cancer. What to do when even the doctors have given up on recovery.

This is a very heavy subject. On the one hand, the doctors ought to and will always seek to help and provide treatment. But, on the other hand, doctors are also people and they, like many, may lose faith in recovery. If this happens, they will say that there is almost no hope. It makes sense to them, because they see a lot of people die from cancer and this is what informs their prognoses.

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Психологические признаки приближения рака

Psychological signs of impending cancer

Conventional medicine is yet to recognize that cancer is a psychosomatic disease. At the same time, many academic papers by oncologists draw specific conclusions about the relationship between cancer and the mental state. This contradiction makes little sense. Continuous denial of the existence of a relationship between mind and body will not make it any less true.

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Правда ли, что микроволновка вызывает рак?

Do microwaves really cause cancer?

People have always been wary of the new. This is especially true if they don’t understand how it works. This is the reason there exists a common belief that microwave ovens cause cancer. Let us take a closer look at this issue.

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Рак – это программа, которую можно устранить

Cancer is a program that can be undone

In order to understand human capacity to defeat this disease, let’s start from the end, that is, from the consequence. Today cancer is still believed to occur as a consequence of physical, chemical, and biological factors. ...

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Причины рака: мифы и реальность

Causes of cancer: myths and reality

People claim that the main causes of cancer are as follows: ...

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Как появляется рак и откуда исходят его корни?

What leads to cancer and what are its root causes?

In the world of today, we know of many cancer types, which are differentiated according to the part of the body where the disease is localized. According to medical professionals, the development of cancer is mainly ...

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